When you get angry and want to be pacified read this Letter of Damn and refresh your mind :)) damn the computer and all its stuff including the windows and its Start button and all its items and the message that appears when you install new software and damn all the icons placed on desktop from "My Computer" to "Recycle Bin" and the message that always notifies me the drive D: is in low space and also damn the time on the right with its words "PM" and the colon between hour and minute and even damn the keyboard that neither is a key nor a board!!! and also damn the caps lock and number lock and scroll lock and any other key that I forget to mention and damn the computer case with all its buttons and the CD Rom Drive and all the cables connect it to the electricity and the plug and the cables on the street and every alley, plaza, restaurant and the taxis and also damn the lights on the streets and every parking lot and the sidewalk including the footbridges
The only way to think fair is not to put yourself in someone else's shoes but to put yourself in their situation