Now we have experienced communism, capitalism and social democracy. As you see neither of them helps. Social democracy seems the best option but I think it's just helping capitalism! Anyway, I don't want to criticize any of these theories and I don't know in detail about them but as I see in the world we have a class which is very rich and a class, very poor and a class in between sacrificing their life and fading themselves into hard work! On of the most important aspect of all these movements is encouraging people and enterprises to progress technologically and create a competition. What we see in reality is a really unreasonably-fast-growing technology and science and virtual unnecessary needs and and a unhealthy competition. If you ask anyone whether progressing in technology is good or not, definitely the answer is yes but no one asks in what price?! Having a new iPad with faster response time than a previous version is good but is it really necessary to spend
The only way to think fair is not to put yourself in someone else's shoes but to put yourself in their situation