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Do we learn lessons from coronavirus pandemic?

As everyone knows this isn’t first time human catch virus from animals. SARS, MERS, HIV and etc. but it doesn’t seem we learn any lesson from these outbreaks.

Instead of finding the root cause people get distracted with ridiculous ideas like conspiracy or they think it’s a racial issue and racism increases and all those nonsense thoughts that you know about it.

The irony is that most people believe in science but at the times like covid-19 pandemic, they choose to ignore science and rely on their own ideology. 

There is no doubt that human is breaking the chain of food on earth and causing the ecosystem to struggle to continue. This post that I am writing isn’t about religion but I think there is a natural reason that most religions have restrictions on the type of food and animals for human consumption. After all, if religion is not a divine ideology at least it is based on evolution in nature as many scientists argue. 

But we should seriously discuss and think about this carefully. This is not about violating human freedom or anything like that, this is about the future of our planet and all the creatures in it.

We eat anything that is moving on this planet while we all know even predators don’t do that. That aside, we kill everything that we eat in bulk scale. Ancient human would eat everything but at least the would hunt when they need it but today we can easily kill hundreds of them in one day thanks to advancement in hunting equipments. Yet, ironically, we are the most intelligent animal on this planet. 

Being intelligent, means we know about our environment and we know how things work and so we shouldn’t break the ecosystem but our actions doesn’t seem to reflect our intelligence.

I believe this is the job of media and governments to stop breaking this chain with which the planet sustains the life. Why on earth people should eat bats and raccoons and rats and dogs etc.? 

This isn’t just about China, these animals are being consumed everywhere on this planet. Governments don’t stop them because it’s about economy but what they don’t think about pandemic like this that cripples the entire nation. 

We should just stick to domesticated animals and be part of the food chain rather than “trying” to stay out of it, it just doesn’t work that way. 

People also should have refer to their conscious and instincts to see if it is right to eat the food rather than just letting their desire to roam around unleashed. I blame those YouTubers who show people they eat exotic animals and foods. They’re responsible in this outbreak too. If you don’t look for bat meat, they don’t hunt them.

Please be mindful of your desire.


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